I am back!

Woooo hoooooo! I am back! With a whole new look! Yeah! That is me sporting a hairless look. Nope. I am not really bald, this is just a computer generated picture of me. Laugh at it for all I care! I love this new layout and I think it will stay for some time to come.

Thank you Desmond for making the layout. I really like it. Makes me kinda egoistic though. Hahahahahaha!

On the top you see my bald head and scroll down to the most bottom and you will see the other half of my face! Cute huh?! Hahahahaha!

I will be back with more updates now that I have changed my template. See you all in a while then. Gonna go play pool with Heike tomorrow! Ciao people!

Hairless... Look at my bald head! I'm lovin` it!