SGCC's annual walk

I have come to realise that parents do not usually ever practise what they preach. You know, they tell you things such as; do not lie, be a good boy and do what we tell you to, and stuff like that. But it doesn't really even matter does it? Take this morning for instance. I was supposed to wake up at 6.30 am because I'm going for a annual walk event held by SGCC. (Serangoon Gardens Country Club) At the time of 6.25 am, my dad is awake and he comes into my room and starts asking me to wake up. In the midst of waking me up, he says its already 7 am and we needed to be there at 7.30 am. Hearing that its 7 am, I practically jumped from my bed and rushed to the toilet and everything.

Perhaps you might just think that small things like these shouldn't affect me at all. Its just the way of how parents make their children obey them. I seriously don't mind them lying to me about the time and all. Its just that I don't like to wake up so suddenly that my whole body system gets jolted and shocked in such a way that I feel like my whole life is just going to flash pass me. It makes me feel as though I just woke up from a nightmare and only to find out that it isn't a nightmare and that I am probably in hell or something.

Anyways, those are just stupid random rants that I have, so please bear with it.

Moving on, SGCC held its 6th annual walk this year. It was my first time attending one. I have nothing much to say about this event, rather why not let pictures do all the talking?

To those who does not know how 7 AM looks like, this is it.

Yeah. That was how long I took to finish a 6.8 km WALK. And yes, those are my parents. It was quite an enjoyable walk I would say. There was even breakfast provided after the walk. I guess this would be the most enjoyable Sunday I have had in a long long time.

Oh yes! I almost forgot. Look at this picture first before I say anything.

This was what I saw at the walk today. The very moment I saw this, I was overwhelmed by curiosity. I thought, "Perhaps they are walking sticks for the disabled. Poor girl. What great courage and bravery to come for a walk even though she had difficulty walking." That WAS what I thought hitherto, I saw this sight.

I was like, "Oh my God!!(There isn't such a thing at all.) More disabled?!"
I double checked the huge ass banner right in front of me to make very sure that I wasn't attending the wrong event. I looked really closely and realised that they walked pretty well for a disabled. It was only then it dawned onto me. That stick is used for long,(Notice that the keyword here is LONG.) strenuous, uneven surfaced HIKE! So if this is used for a hike, why the fucking hell do they even bring something of that sort here? This is hardly a walk, much less a fucking hike!!

The only reasons I could come up with are:

1) They are trying to show off their superiority stupidity.
2) They can hardly tell the difference between a hike and a walk.
3) They are a seriously deluded that it would be a help to them.
4) Maybe they were too poor to afford another alternative, the Umbrella, which apparently happens to work as well as the stick.

God(I don't believe in something I can't see.) knows why they brought it here for?! If I didn't know better, I could have sworn that I was at a ski marathon rather than a walk.

I should have walked passed one of them and said, "In case you didn't notice, Singapore does not snow."