Network marketing

I am sure many would be astonished at the fact that I am blogging. In fact, my dad even took notice of me not blogging anymore and asked me if I had given up on my blog. Hell no! I love this blog too much to just ignore it. Anyways, looking at the title for today, I am sure most of you can tell what it is going to be about.

My first impression on Network Marketing is actually isn't that good. To say the truth, as much as I hate it, it is afterall still a job for people to survive and lead their lives. So it is actually a good thing. I am not trying to change you, my readers, opinions towards Network Marketing. Rather to tell you more on how some of them work and act.

To do off with the painstaking ordeal of explaining explicitly of how Network Marketing is done and what it is, I have decided that if you do not understand what I am about to elaborate on, I suggest you look for the nearest smartass you can find and ask them to explain it to you. So moving on, Network Marketing can also be known as Multi Level Marketing (MLM). As the name itself suggests, it has something to do with networking and multi leveling your market. What do I mean by this? Simple. Networking requires people. Thus, the core objective of Network Marketing is people. I will further explain more about MLM later.

Let me post a question. Have you all heard about the pyramid marketing scheme before? I am sure something like that would have popped into your life when you were young. Think harder. There would be your father's friend talking to him about this Marketing scheme remember? Yes! That is it! What Network Marketing aims to do is to broaden their network of people so they are able to sell their products. But this might come as a problem for some people doing in the same line of Network Marketing because why would they want to have competition? People selling the same product right? Therefore, this is where MLM comes into play. MLM here is a very powerful tool for those who are working in the Network Marketing realm. It benefits those people who recruits new people into this line. There are lots of incentives for the "recruiter" whenever he or she recruits someone into the company and that someone starts recruiting new people and get those incentives. As you would have realised by now, this is actually a vicious cycle. So in actual fact, the more people you recruit, the more you earn.

Are you all lost? I am sure you are. Cos` I am lost too myself. But anyways, for me to give you the abridged version of everything, I say MLM is a brainwashing cult! LOL~ There was once I went to a MLM company and was in their office for at least 5 hours listening to them brainwashing me. Ever since that incident, I am shunning MLM. But having the interesting life I have, MLM didn't shun me and instead it came right back at me.

What I am about to say is to address to my IRC friends who keeps on asking why I am being mean to a certain someone in there. So just read this and do not expect me to typ everything out again.

Sometime back, like about a month and a half, some girl in IRC called my out of the blue and told me she wanted to meet me. As a normal person would do, I asked her the purpose of meeting and she said just to hang out. I asked her what we would be doing while hanging out and she said she got some personal things to tell me. So being the nice guy I usually always am, I said ok and I decided to meet her because she has something personal to tell me.

After sensing something was wrong, I asked her if she was going to talk to me about MLM and she reassured me that she was not going to so I went down to meet her. Sure enough, when I got there, she started asking my opinion on MLM and I told her that MLM SUCKS! Apparently that is good enough to tell her that if she has anything to do with MLM she better just stop there. So after asking that, she didn't say anything more, ate her lunch and just left. Okay! What is the problem now? What did she say she wanted to meet me for? Oh right! I thought she has some personal thing to tell me? Sadly I was just left alone that day and I wasted 3 fucking hours of my life to meet her and she asked me a question and left.

To this date, many people are still puzzled as to why I am mad at her. I am not angry at her for working in MLM. I am pissed by her that she used my good intentions to lure me out and wasted my time. And for what fucking reason?! MLM! See! Now you know how they act? They even lie just to get people out. Sheesh. I cannot be blaming everyone in the line of MLM just because of her. But she, the black sheep of MLM, is enough to tarnish my opinion of MLM. So here is my say to MLM. FUCK YOU!

Now you know why I hate MLM?

MLM. A brainwashing cult. Beware of their actions. I wonder, if one day they recruit every single people on Earth, then who are the people at the lowest level of the scheme going to recruit? Animals? Or perhaps aliens?