A Star Wars die hard fan I am.

Speak as the romans do! For a Star Wars fan, they would say.

"Speak as Yoda do!"

Blogged in Yoda's language this whole entry shall be. Haha! Serious I am.

Recieved the second Oral Communications ICA I have. To gather everyone together and make them cooperate easy it is not. About informative presentation this ICA is. To find out and research about a company we have and also a speech about its vision and achievements we have to give. Pilling up other modules ICAs there are and driving me bonkers it is. However, things to learn there will be.

Talk about school enough it is, move on we must. My dad's birthday commence tomorrow it will. Lost for words I am now. Blog in this way for how much longer can I? Stand it no more I can!

Argh! Alright! Back to nice perfect English. I wonder how Yoda speaks like that. He must be quite a quiet person. Wonder if all of you could understand what I have been typing so far. I cannot be bothered to type it all once more, so just go find out yourself.

I have already watched Star Wars: Revenge of the Sith. It was a spectacular show as it starts off at a climax. You can see the changes in Anakin Skywalker throughout the show and why he turned to the dark side. Many have wondered why Darth Vader has to wear that stupid black helmet which makes him look like a minion instead of a Sith lord. You are all in luck as this episode will reveal the reason for the helmet. Not spoiling too much of the show, go watch it! It is worth the $9.50.

I think I will end today's boring entry now because I am just as bored as you guys reading this.

I will be blogging about farts in the next entry. So do keep a lookout cos' the next entry is gonna blow you off your chair!


Anonymous said...

I think this movie is great! The $7 I spent on Star Wars is worth it. =)

Wei Xin said...

You watched it on a weekday? Hmmm... It was superb wasn't it? Talk like yoda we all should. He looks so cute on the screen. Wahahahaah!

webo1freak said...

lol..watched this movie twice i havd..once on opening day..n once in msia..n if im not wrong, yoda ends his sentences in propositions..
Destroy the Sith, we MUST.
but correct me if im wrong..hope u can keep in luvs star wars too..