At long last! Saturday is coming... Operation: "Go do your math Sebastian!" is finally going to commence... Yes! I can't wait... So are my buddies who are in this with me! I am finally going to do something crazy! Much has happened lately... Only two days ago, I had a quarrel with my mother... The aftermath? I lost and not only that, my dad changed the password to the internet... So here I am now typing this entry in Nanyang Poly during my computer class... Stupid Nanyang Poly! They blocked tagboard and my counter... I cannot view them... Darn it! But it is lucky that I am being able to blog.... So let us just be contented with what we have...
Sigh! What am I to do? Argh! I hate it whenever they use this tatic to make me coerce... Think I will have revert back to my old ways and go to my trusty cousin to use the net... Sigh! What is this world coming to? What have I done to deserve this? Is it justifiable to deprive a child from his only connection to the technology world? Argh! Nothing much has happened actually... But many things are going to happen on Saturday! Haha! Just wait patiently people! Nice things are coming your way...
I am planning to change my blog's template... Going to change to a new one soon... I got Desmond to help me with it... I gave him the theme I wanted and how I wanted the layout to be... So wait also readers! I will most probably update it too on Saturday... All of you will be in for a surprise when I update it... The theme especially... Haha! I love Desmond to bits! Thank you for helping me with it... I gtg now... My lecturer is starting the class soon... Do come back and read yea? And support me... Hahaa!
Sebastian... Your demise is near... Start praying.... Your ass will be kicked by me!
was here! my orientation... on 25 may... how is it like? i nv like orientation... u know me.... i nv liked mixing very much.... i will blog 5 mins later so go read k?
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