Perhaps you might just think that small things like these shouldn't affect me at all. Its just the way of how parents make their children obey them. I seriously don't mind them lying to me about the time and all. Its just that I don't like to wake up so suddenly that my whole body system gets jolted and shocked in such a way that I feel like my whole life is just going to flash pass me. It makes me feel as though I just woke up from a nightmare and only to find out that it isn't a nightmare and that I am probably in hell or something.
Anyways, those are just stupid random rants that I have, so please bear with it.
Moving on, SGCC held its 6th annual walk this year. It was my first time attending one. I have nothing much to say about this event, rather why not let pictures do all the talking?
To those who does not know how 7 AM looks like, this is it.
Yeah. That was how long I took to finish a 6.8 km WALK. And yes, those are my parents. It was quite an enjoyable walk I would say. There was even breakfast provided after the walk. I guess this would be the most enjoyable Sunday I have had in a long long time.
Oh yes! I almost forgot. Look at this picture first before I say anything.
This was what I saw at the walk today. The very moment I saw this, I was overwhelmed by curiosity. I thought, "Perhaps they are walking sticks for the disabled. Poor girl. What great courage and bravery to come for a walk even though she had difficulty walking." That WAS what I thought hitherto, I saw this sight.
I was like, "Oh my God!!(There isn't such a thing at all.) More disabled?!"
I double checked the huge ass banner right in front of me to make very sure that I wasn't attending the wrong event. I looked really closely and realised that they walked pretty well for a disabled. It was only then it dawned onto me. That stick is used for long,(Notice that the keyword here is LONG.) strenuous, uneven surfaced HIKE! So if this is used for a hike, why the fucking hell do they even bring something of that sort here? This is hardly a walk, much less a fucking hike!!
The only reasons I could come up with are:
1) They are trying to show off their
2) They can hardly tell the difference between a hike and a walk.
3) They are a seriously deluded that it would be a help to them.
4) Maybe they were too poor to afford another alternative, the Umbrella, which apparently happens to work as well as the stick.
God(I don't believe in something I can't see.) knows why they brought it here for?! If I didn't know better, I could have sworn that I was at a ski marathon rather than a walk.
I should have walked passed one of them and said, "In case you didn't notice, Singapore does not snow."
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