I know I am at least a day late for this entry but who cares?
I am still in the Christmas spirit! All the caroling, presents not to mention the food! I enjoyed Christmas this year cos` my friends came over and celebrate! It wasn't on Christmas day though. We had steamboat! Hahahah! We took pictures! At my house! Everyone had to wear a skirt on that day. Kinda like a party theme. Hahaha!
So that was on a Thursday if I remember cearly. We met at Bishan to buy the thing for the steamboat. I really have to thank my mother for helping cos` if she wasn't there to help, we might never have steamboat for that night. Buying stuff for steamboat was one thing and prepareing for the steamboat was another.
Thank you very much Mummy!
So we bought like tons of food! Especially the vegetables. We also bought fish balls, meat balls, cuttlefish balls, prawn balls, frankfurters, crab stick and a lot more! You guessed it right. We didn't finish the food. Hahaha!
I also have lots of pictures. Before the steamboat and after the steamboat. Besides, what can you really do with a bunch of girls at your house? Photo-whoring of cos`!
Jie Yi looks positively happy. I guess they must be watching something related to 5566. This was before the steamboat.
Then the Photo-whoring session begins!
What can I say?
Smile for the camera!
Lovely Da Jie!
Da Jie and Joycelin~
Shu Yun and Yu Naing
Group photo whoring~
Wait! I am not ready! One more time!
Much better~
Tons of glorious food!
In my house you can also indulge in a little Mahjong session.
A little more photo-whoring.
After dinner was a small little gift exchange. We even had a bottle of champainge. Peach flavoured. Hahahah! One funny thing about gift exchange is that everyone didn't know who to buy for and almost everyone was in a dilema. Maybe I should not complain cos` I think the girls are having a much more difficult time. I am the only guy in the group so they had to choose their gifts carefully. Hahaha! We drew lots to see whose present we will take. I got Da Jie's present and I love it! It is super cute!
It is Mickey! Nice! I love it! Thank you Da Jie!
Yu Naing got a really cute wallet to match her! (From Wan ying)
Wan Ying got a really cool planner from Amilia.
Da Jie got a lucky charm from Shu Yun. How thoughtful. The charm is for studies. Hahahah! Typical Singaporeans.
Roan got the most precious gift from Joycelin. A book with pictures about us.
Joycelin got my gift from Perlini's Silver. Wonder if she liked it.
Shu Yun got a pair of earrings from Shereen. A lousy attempt to act cute in front of the camera. "=.=
Jie Yi looks positively happy with her gifts from Roan. Those are premium chocolates alright! It cost bloody more than our budget.
Amilia with her towel. Looks cool. Jie Yi certainly has good taste for towels.
Finally the highlight of the night is starting. It is Shereen's birthday on Christmas day. So we bought her a gift.
Eh?! What kind of a gift is this?
Layer after layer...
After layer...
After layer...
After layer...
Finally! Look at all the newspaper!
Oei! I am not ready la! One more time!
Our presents!
Photo-whoring session again! Notice the hand gestures. One to ten! Hahahah!
The previous one was nice. So here is another one for your eyes to feast on.
Bestest of friends!
A memorable day ending with a memorable picture. Wonder if we can still keep this up after our seperation. My feet are in there too! Guess which one is it?
Merry Christmas to all!
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