To celebrate or not to celebrate...

Congratulations Wei Xin, you are...

'Xia Xue' Wendy Cheng of

You are a goddess/god. You've got the looks, the brains and the body. You have such an irreverent sense of humour, people listen to you religiously and worship the ground you walk on. On the other hand you can also be straightforward, blunt and very very controversial. That has the potential to offend many people, but of course you don't care, you just shoot. In the end, people either love you or hate you. Nothing in between.

Which Singaporean Blogger Are You?

I cannot fucking believe this. I seriously do not know whether to feel honoured or not, but whatever happened to my own personality? I am like XiaXue? What the fucking hell! Although I admire her ability to bring her blog that far, but isn't this just too ridiculous? Argh! I admire her! Not want to be like her! Oh man! I am in living hell!! DANG! I think I rather just commit suicide.

Where has my personality gone to?! Or am I like Xia Xue? Oh my Oh my! Woe is me!


Anonymous said...

hey! i tried that 'which singaporean blogger are you' too! i'm xiaxue too. -_-

i guess it's not very accurate.

Anonymous said...

I GOT FF ! dunno who the hell she is ..but thank god it isn't xia xue (*WHEW !*). Actually,I don't mind having her brain but not her looks pleaseeee...

Wei Xin said...

Who is annonymous? Who is FF? You have the url for that blogger? Shi fu! Have you seen scarlett ting's real face before? I heard that she is very pretty. hahahah!