Wun be back till Sunday

I will be going to Malaysia, Dayang for scuba diving. I won't be back till Sunday. I promise pictures! Serious! I already am thinking of the sea. Can't wait to go!

Scuba Diving! Here I come!

I think CHIJ girls have serious attitude problem

I sure hope that I am the only one thinking this way, because I really do not understand why CHIJ girls have this attitude that makes me wanna smack their faces with my infamous red stiletto heels.

I particularly mean one girl in my class.

I remember her very first words she said to me in computer class. My place did not have a chair and I had to take the empty chair that was beside her.

Her reaction?

"your chair cannot fit you?"

Like what the fuck?! Her very first impression to me was something like this? Naturally, given my nature I told her off straight in the face.

Yes she is from CHIJ.

Not that I am discriminating but I am sure some of you have incured the wrath of some CHIJ girls and they have this stupid attitude that is so bitchy and irritating. What is more, they act like they are sophisticated and high class when they are not. Like I said, they ACT. Did I mention that they always like to make their skirt very short which makes them look so slutty?

That is not all. There is always this proud aura engulfing them. They always look like they are the queen and everyone is their loyal subjects. My bloody foot!

Sophisticated? Pui!

A new blog!

I and my friends have started a blog community! Please click this link to go there. Thank you!

Now this blog will not be as updated as often until I finish the business I have with the blog community. So pardon me my legion of adoring fans. Once everything is done, you can not only get one dose of me but two doses when I start to blog over there too. So please wait with anticipation for all good things come to those who wait.

I also have linked my community. You can all find it under the "others" section on the sidebar.

Thank you!

A community! I am happy!

I hate to say it...

I hate to say it, but I think Singaporeans are getting more and more stupid. Why should the government remove the barrier when you refuse to listen and break the rules? I am sure those barriers serves a purpose. Come to think of it, it does serve a purpose.

It is to prevent stuple like you to cycle on the walkways and endangering the lives of others.

So why should the government remove it when it is you who is in the wrong? So is that stupid or what? I think the government should stick to their stand and not remove it.

I hope you guys know what I am talking about. It is indeed an old news but I kept forgetting to blog it up till today when I saw someone cycling on the walkways.

Let's change topic shall we?

Remember me telling you how the bus from Genting broke down? And that my whole family was stranded in the middle of nowhere. Well, I have just uploaded the pictures.

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All I can remember is the driver kept rattling on about the ball bearings in the wheels are worn out and it can't be repaired. I actually couldn't care less. (You guys know me. I always do not bother about time. Live life slow and easy, I always say.)

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All surrounding like they are watching a show or something. Now now... What could be more interesting than seeing the bus driver hard at work trying to fix the tire?

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This one looks as though we are having a meeting on how to sue the tour agency for holding us up. (On actual fact, we are indeed discussing how to make the tour agency wavier our bus rental.)

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Some of us got tired and chilled at the shack...

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While some of us are just darn bored...

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Yeah, that is my mum, aunts and granny. Don't mind the one in blue. That is my irritating sister. The only thing that brightened up my night (you'll see why it's night instead of day..) was dinner!

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It's not often you get to picnic in the wilderness under the moonlit sky do you? Envious? I would be if I were you.

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I ain't sure if we are allowed to play cards on that platform because that place is for the Muslims to pray. Sorry! Didn't mean any disrespect.

Five hours and thirty seven minutes later...

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Our saviour! Notice the numbers? My granny bought it for 4D and she actually won five hundred bucks! Man! If I knew, I would have betted with her. Damn!

Under the moonlit night, I was chewing on my KFC wondering if time could stop and just stay there forever...

Life of a Poly student...

Xiaxue's site is back again. Hooray! I am glad for her that things are back to normal. The culprit is still at large, but I am sure he will be apprehended soon.


How long has it been since I started school? Who ever said that poly is so relaxed is a big fat liar! I am like kinda buried under projects! Not to mention the disgusting four letter word is popping out soon.


The sight of it makes me shudder in fright and have buttrflies in my stomach. Who was the idiot who thought of something like this? If I could, I would go back in time and kill that stuper! So I might not be able to blog anytime soon. Next week is gonna be a busy week for me as I will be going for diving lessons also.

Oh, woe is me!

Someone please save me from the clutches of exams!

I need help in statistics!! Someone help!

Oh Fucking Shit!

I cannot believe my fucking eyes! Xiaxue's blog has been fucking hacked by some fucking guy and not to mention her e-mail too. Wah kao eh! (pardon me for the singlish here.) I really cannot believe that this is happening! Apparently, Xiaxue's 3000 mail has been deletied and along with her twelve blogs and 3 years of hard work which was devoted to her blog.

I think that is a crime. Whether the guy hates the way Xiaxue writes, he has absolutely no fucking right to delete her blog! I hope he gets raped by a banglah gay and then die of anus rapture. Kao eh! Fuck his fucking small balls! He must be filled with malice to be able to pull a stunt like this.

For those people out there. If you have ways to find out who did it, please do not hesitate to go lend a helping hand to Xiaxue. I think she is on the verge of breaking down.

If I can just find out who did it, I would literally take screws and screw his fucking balls to the wall and twirl him around using his balls as the axis! Fucking dickhead!

I wonder...

This was the test results which I took when I saw the URL from Cheng Shan An's site. I took the test and this was what I got.

The Champion Idealists are abstract in thought and speech, cooperative in accomplishing their aims, and informative and extraverted when relating with others. For Champions, nothing occurs which does not have some deep ethical significance, and this, coupled with their uncanny sense of the motivations of others, gives them a talent for seeing life as an exciting drama, pregnant with possibilities for both good and evil. This type is found in only about 3 percent of the general population, but they have great influence because of their extraordinary impact on others. Champions are inclined to go everywhere and look into everything that has to do with the advance of good and the retreat of evil in the world. They can't bear to miss out on what is going on around them; they must experience, first hand, all the significant social events that affect our lives. And then they are eager to relate the stories they've uncovered, hoping to disclose the "truth" of people and issues, and to advocate causes. This strong drive to unveil current events can make them tireless in conversing with others, like fountains that bubble and splash, spilling over their own words to get it all out.

Champions consider intense emotional experiences as being vital to a full life, although they can never quite shake the feeling that a part of themselves is split off, uninvolved in the experience. Thus, while they strive for emotional congruency, they often see themselves in some danger of losing touch with their real feelings, which Champions possess in a wide range and variety. In the same vein, Champions strive toward a kind of spontaneous personal authenticity, and this intention always to "be themselves" is usually communicated nonverbally to others, who find it quite attractive. All too often, however, Champions fall short in their efforts to be authentic, and they tend to heap coals of fire on themselves, berating themselves for the slightest self-conscious role-playing.

Oh well. It says that my type is the only type which is only three percent of the general population. Now that makes me wonder if that is a good or a bad thing. Who knows? I guess it depends on how one looks at it.

Let us take a look at another one...

General: ENFPs are both "idea"-people and "people"-people, who see everyone and everything as part of an often bizarre cosmic whole. They want to both help (at least, their own definition of "help") and be liked and admired by other people, on bo th an individual and a humanitarian level. They are interested in new ideas on principle, but ultimately discard most of them for one reason or another.

Social/Personal Relationships: ENFPs have a great deal of zany charm, which can ingratiate them to the more stodgy types in spite of their unconventionality. They are outgoing, fun, and genuinely like people. As SOs/mates they are warm, affectionate (l ots of PDA), and disconcertingly spontaneous. However, attention span in relationships can be short; ENFPs are easily intrigued and distracted by new friends and acquaintances, forgetting about the older ones for long stretches at a time. Less mature ENFPs may need to feel they are the center of attention all the time, to reassure them that everyone thinks they're a wonderful and fascinating person.

ENFPs often have strong, if unconvential, convictions on various issues related to their Cosmic View. They usually try to use their social skills and contacts to persuade people gently of the rightness of these views; his sometimes results in their negle cting their nearest and dearest while flitting around trying to save the world.
Work Environment: ENFPs are pleasant, easygoing, and usually fun to work with. They come up with great ideas, and are a major asset in brainstorming sessions. Followthrough tends to be a problem, however; they tend to get bored quickly, especially if a newer, more interesting project comes along. They also tend to be procrastinators, both about meeting hard deadlines and about performing any small, uninteresting tasks that they've been assigned. ENFPs are at their most useful when working in a group w ith a J or two to take up the slack.

ENFPs hate bureaucracy, both in principle and in practice; they will always make a point of launching one of their crusades against some aspect of it.

Woah! This is like a little shock to me. Especially the short attention span for relationships. I mean... What the hell?! If that is so, why would I have stupidly held on to my first relationship for like so long? Man~ Makes me wonder if this test is really accurate or not.

Enough about tests. I have something to say to someone actually. For my "mummy". I have to really say. I am innocent. Besides, I am clueless to what has happened. My sis refused to talk. Also Shan An and Faust can vouch for me that I have siblings. I am in fact a victim of my sister's playful nature. Why should I suffer because of her wrong doings? All I can say now is up to you to believe me or not. Because it is just not worth throwing away a friendship because of something which I did not do. Sigh~ All I want to say is I might not be anybody to you but you sure are someone to me. Because you are my FRIEND!

I wonder if those tests are for real? What made them arrive to such precise conclusions?

Eh? ----------> Orh.... Bloggers.Sg 2005

Weird title huh? I thought so too when they put this up as the Bloggers' convention banner.

The whole affair took place on 16th July 2005. It was certainly a hetic day as mine started with tennis. Sigh~ Tennis. I am beginning to feel something for it. However, many people are doubting my interest for it. My dad, Diana and others. Seriously. Do I have to act out my interest for tennis to show that I like tennis? So you want me to be like Diana who speaks of nothing but tennis for 24/7? I am sure you cannot stand it too. Anyways, the day did not really start out well as I injured a fellow tennis player with the tennis ball.

How did I accomplish that?

I would really say I am still wondering how I did it. Considering the ratio of area of the head to the body plus the ratio of the area of space she is taking up in the tennis court to the tennis court, multiply it and what is the probability of hitting her head with a tennis ball? I would say it is nearly zero because I suck at serving and I happened to hit her head with a serve. The irony. Sigh~ Needless to say, she cried. Diana still rattles on about how insensitive I am at that moment as I did not say sorry immediately.

Moving on anyways. The Bloggers' convention.

It was superb! To say that it was a smashing success would be an understatment. I throughly enjoyed it! With the company of my friend Shan An!

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Ok! I seriously look hideous! Too bad I know nuts about photoshop.

So the event took place at a bar. Yeah! A bar! Cool huh? A convention in a bar! Hahahaha! It was located beside The Esplanade. It's called DXO. The interior is super cool as it has a very modern look. You get to see weird stuff. Overall, it is great!

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The nice futuristic look!

Please pardon the blurry picures. Blame it on the lousy camera or cameraman instead! Remember me talking about the toilet? Hahahaha! This is the one. It looks really cool. (For boys only. Or for girls who use the urinals.) The urinal is the one that looks cool. The only thing is, how do we follow the urinal etiquette? You will get what I mean when you see the picture.

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Weird urinal...

Soon the convention started and we were all seated and up first was the opening of the convention. They even had an IRC channel up so that anyone with a lappie could just log in and start chatting there even when the convention is taking place. So it is like two meetings going on at the same time. How cool is that? Too bad I do not own a lappie or else I would have went into the IRC channel.

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The screen that made everyone laugh every now and then.

The first session was about blogging communities and some personal blogs. The host had the audience participate and made them say their url. Too bad I didn't have the guts to go up or else I might have quite a few readers now. Hahahah! However, there was one guy who went up. He caught my attention when he first went up.

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Is it a boy or a girl?

It was funny seeing the host turning back to see the screen as their backs are facing the screen. So they have no idea what is going on in the second "meeting" while they were giving their talks. Jokes were mentioned on the screen and the host could see us giggling and not know what is going on. Poor things! There was one part where they were telling Mr. Miyagi to strip. Hahahaha!

They covered quite a number of things during the convention. There were the laws of blogging. What not to say and what you can say to defend yourself. I shan't go into detail as I think it would bore you guys. When the lawyers were up on stage talking, someone was cracking lawyer jokes in the second "meeting". Hahahah! What a riot!

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If you added black sunglasses, I am darn sure he would look like the agent Smiths in The Matrix.

There were refreshments too. It was nice. Too bad the fruit punch ran out. In the end me and Shan An had to drink tea. It was nice though. After the whole convention, it was time for some form of entertainment! Yay! The belly dancers were up! The irony however, was the lady who introduced the dancers.

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Haha! BELLY dancing! I am sure she would be darn good in it!

The belly dancing commences!

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The lady in white is one darn good dancer! Was mesmerised by her hips!

After the convention ended, it was time for the post party where there would be free flow of alcohol. Too bad I am under 18 or I would have stayed on. But I couldn't leave until I took photos with...

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Kenny Sia of

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Mr. Miyagi of

Last but not least!

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Mr. Brown of

Yay! I took pictures with the bloggers I like! Some may ask why I never take with Xiaxue. This was what Xiaxue said to me when I helped Shan An ask if he could take a picture with her.

"You got so many opportunity to take picture with me and you want to take with me today?"

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Shan An and Xiaxue. Omg! That kinda shows how short she is does it? Xiaxue of

Hahaha! My brother is her friend remember? So I get to see her often. Hahahaha!

After the event, Shan An had to rush to his friend's chalet and I went off to my Granny's house.

Here are some other photo's to end this entry.

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Apparently Shan An wants people to believe that the cup I am holding is filled with vodka.

I don't think Kenny would like this but he was sitting so near that I couldn't help but snapped his picture.

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Reminds me of a hippopotamus actually.

I will definitely go to next year's Bloggers' convention again!

Sorry for the delay

It has been days since I last saw blogger's website. I have not been updating have I?

Well, let us put that aside and take some time to celebrate! My counter has finally reached one thousand! A bloody one thousand! How cool is that?! Seriously, some people say I am some crazy blog obsessed freak. I do admit that I like blogging a lot and there are reasons to it.

Who reads Kenny Sia, mr.brown, mr.Miyagi?

I am sure some of their entries made you laugh.

So, the point is. How does someone write something so funny? That is why I like about blogging. You publish something that makes people laugh and make them feel the same way as you do about an issue. To accomplish this is no easy matter. You need to be good in critical thinking, a high level of matuarity and of course wits to do something like that.

That is why blogging to me is like training my critical thinking towards some issue and most of all it improves my language...

I have to apologise for the delay of the entry for the bloggers' convention because a certain someone has not passed me the pictures yet! Hurry up you stuper! I want the bloody pictures! I have so many pictures! Even the picture of the toilet. Wahahahah!

So till then please chill out and relax and wait patiently for the next entry. Thank you.

I want the pictures! Hurry up and give them to me!


Warning! This post may contain some disturbing pictures. I am not making a light out of females here because the picture is used only to explain something and not because I am a disgusting perverted freak! Thank you! May I add that this post is also NC-16?

I am confused. Utterly confused.

It almost seem as though everyone around me is doing it. I have heard it countless of times. Even the younger generation these days are doing it. Even as young as Primary 4. Most of us use it to joke around with friends while others use it in a heated argument. Some even use it to describe things! Makes me kind of wonder who started this in the first place. Why even the need for it? I am certainly sure that there are better ways to express ourselves, but why to this extend? The thought of it makes me shudder.

You must be wondering what has me so shaken up about.

Well, to put it simply, it is the constant scolding of the word Chee Bye around me.

Why is there the need to scold such profainity? Does it bring pleasure to you when you shout it out in the public? I do not see the need to use such profainity at all.

First and foremost, I am sure it can never beat the pleasure of an orgasm. (The best feeling in the world.)

Secondly, I am sure I can derive more pleasure from eating Strawberry flavoured Haggen Daz ice cream.

Thirdly, I am sure it can also never beat the plesure of seeing someone as cute as this!!

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Fourthly... Argh! You get my point.

So what drives them into saying it? I just do not get the motive behind it. Who would anybody scold words that does not mean anything? I mean, isn't "chee bye" a vagina? And what is a vagina? It is the empty space in the females' gentitals right? So how can you scold someone with the word vagina when it is nothing?

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Take this for example.

"Willy! You are such a chee bye!"

Tell me! How can someone be an empty space? Does it make any sense to you? It does not make sense in any one bit! I am sure it would made much more sense if the person scolded willy an ass, or even a clitoris! Its almost like scolding him an asshole. So how can anyone be an asshole when an asshole is again nothingness? I just do not see why they start using words when it does not make any freaking sense at all.

So tell me. Does it make any sense to scold such profainity now? I sure hope you are in thinking twice whether to use that word again. Millions of words to choose out there and people choose to use a words that makes no sense when being used.

Besides it making no sense at all, I am sure females wouldn't like it when you use their genitals to insult someone. Just imagine guys' penis being used in arguments.

"Willy! You are such a penis!"

Now that wouldn't be nice for guys would it? It is almost like somone else giving your willy a name. Would you have liked that? I am sure you wouldn't. So why continue to use that profainity?

Hopefully I have said enough to change the thinking of everyone to see if there is a need to use such word again.

How can someone be an empty space? Tell me!

Stupid people=Stuple

What am I to say? I know I haven't been blogging regularly, but I do have a reason for it. School work has been piling up like the influx of people which came to Singapore during the early times. It seemed like only yesterday that I am giving a presentation. Poly gives out work as though they own the paper company. And to think I thought I would be free from work when I get to Poly itself. Sigh~ Let's just get moving on with the main story.

I just don't get it with people. Is it so difficult to say an 'Excuse me' ? There was this stuper (too lazy to type stupid people, thus stuple. For singular use, stupid person, you know what I mean.) whom I met on the bus just two days ago, he shouted "Oie! Siam siam! (It means move aside in Malay.)" right in my face. He was just about to get off and I was standing at the exit. Bus was really crowded as usual because everyone is getting off from work. I couldn't really stand him and I just didn't budge. As his stop came and he was getting more and more impatient and he started to push his way through. I grabbed on tight to the pole and blocked his way.

As though fate was punishing him, the bus started moving off even before he could get off. Poetic justice! At this point, he tapped my shoulder and told me to turn around. I did just that and all I got was a bunch of words thrown into my face. By this time, everyone was staring at me. As though by magic, my mouth opened and words started to string together beautifully.

Ah~ How I just love to argue with a stuper. It really brightens up my day. All it did was one sentence and he shut up and alighted at the next stop.

"Do you still want to continue scolding me for your rudeness or do you want to alight now because we have passed three bus stops since you started scolding me."

That was all and he kept quiet and went off.

See! How rude and stupid these stuple are. What can we do to make the world a better place? Slap them all with my infamous stilleto heels? Apprehend them and bring them for cannig when they start being stupid and rude? Or how about we just electrocute them till they faint and then reviving them only to repeat the whole process again?

Stuple are driving me stark raving mad! Cleanse the world of them. Zombies are afraid of holy water so they should be afraid of intelligence potion. Try pouring it on them. It might just work the way we want it.

Calm and Peaceful

Been wanting to do this post ever since my Dad got back from his diving trip. He is an active diver. Nice huh? I love to be in water. The soundless haven. Where everything is so beautiful and peaceful. You get to see fishes swimming in schools, coral reefs that look almost like a metropolis for the fishes. So many amazing sights you get to see. Not forgeting my favourite creature. The turtle! Haha! My Dad said that he saw a turtle, and it was HUGE! Oh wow! I can't wait to go for diving course and pick up a diving license. Yes! I am going for lessons. Enough said. I shall show some of the pictures he took on his diving trip. Most of it that I have chosen to show are the scenery. I love it! Make me feel at peace whenever I look at it, therefore the title, Calm.

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This is a shipwreck. Isn't it cool to check it out?

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Look at how fucking huge the fishes are?! Yeah. That's my Dad.

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The different types of fishes they caught.

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Look at how beautiful the hills and mountains are!

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Beautiful sunrise!

That is all. There are more pictures but no time to upload them. Hope you have enjoyed looking at the pictures. I loved it!

Yes! I am gonna take diving lessons! I am able to see the turtles soon! Wait for me! My sanctuary! That cool, quiet and peaceful haven!